
Monday, April 8, 2013

The Garden & Easter- In Photos.

I thought I'd try to do an update to my previous garden post.  We're about to pull out some of the winter items and put in the summer crops.  As we added new beds since my last post, we've started filling them in slowly.  Here are some pictures from the past few months and also from Easter when we used up some items from the garden.

Related post: The Garden April 2012
Everyone helped out at the 3rd Annual Gardening Event
 A pumpkin that had been composted whole in one of the new beds sprouted while we were out of town and resulted in this and then days later, below.

 Beans are srouting
Round black Spanish radish a variety of small carrots (came free from Baker Creek)
 A guest
Some Shyra grapes

 We used the nasturtiums in ice to decorate the water pitcher

 Almond Jam Patries from a Sunset recipe.  I used homemade apricot jam and almond meal instead of whole almonds. 

Shared on: wildcrafting wednesday, simple lives thursdays, small footprint family, fresh eggs daily, Fresh Bites Friday, Wednesday Fresh Food,  Sunday Parenting Party, hip homeschool moms,  Living Green Tuesday, The HomeAcre Hop,  Food Renegade

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this on Wildcrafting Wednesday! I hope you can join us again today!
