
Friday, October 19, 2012

Small Treats!

I'm always curious as to how other families do "treats".  Lately, I feel like it's gotten "out of control" for us.  But, I also realize my oldest is getting to be 4 and the little one for being 20 months has had her fair share of sweets even thought the older one had nothing at that age.  Isn't it always the case?

Anyway, I thought I'd share a few of our  "healthy treats" that I've managed to photograph along the way.  Some have been really fun to do.  And this is a good reminder of a few things I should go back to doing!

 Usually they just have warm milk.  To get all fancy, we froth it and sprinkle cinnamon.  If I really want to spoil them, I put a dash of non-alcoholic Vanilla flavoring (trader joe's brand)

 Home-made fig butter is used for lots of things.  We also add this and other preserves into plain yogurt.
 This was a gluten-free lemon yogurt muffin.
 Watermelon popsicles with blueberries and orange pieces. 
 frozen treats are best!  Avocado and yogurt and then frozen in silicone trays.
 Cooled custard with sprinkle of cinnamon.  Sometimes we bake it in a water bath and add various flavors. I think I have some pictures in other posts.
 Quick frozen yogurt!  Frozen mango, yogurt, honey, and vanilla.
 Zap, and in less than a minute you have this!
 Pumpkin or date bread.  mmm.. molasses.
 These little jewels are so fun and delicious.  Agar agar with fruit and then left to set.
 More fun frozen and gelled treats!
shared on: small footprint family

1 comment:

  1. these are some good ideas, cham. we have some similar treats at our house. though, honestly, declan rarely asks for them. we do steamed coconut milk with cinnamon as declan's "coffee". we do a lot of whipped coconut milk with a tablespoon or so of maple syrup to a whole can of milk. great on top of fruit! we tried make similar jellies with grass-fed gelatin, lemon juice, and honey. they turned out pretty well, but declan was not so sure of the texture of such things. one thing he does NOT forget is when we make "cupcakes" for his birthday. carrot cake muffins with honey, topped with whipped coconut milk. THAT was a treat for him. everyone else enjoyed it too!
